
MSF 612: Research Methods: Find Articles

Difference between EagleSearch and Databases

EagleSearch is our one-stop shop for articles and books (in all formats).  However, because it casts such a wide net, it can sometimes be hard to narrow down to what you need.

Using the individual databases can give you some advantages:

  • Much more focused results.
  • Can include subject terminology that will allow you to focus your search very specifically.
  • Setting up research profiles to automatically receive updates to saved searches.

Recommended Databases

Google Scholar

GScholar Tips

Link Google Scholar search results back to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

1. Open the hamburger menu on the top left

2. Select settings

3. Select Library links

4. Search for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

5. Select it and Save

This will now show you "Find FT at ERAU" links in the search result and take you back to the databases we subscribe to so that you can get it without going through a paywall.