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Database Help: Mergent Key Business Ratios


Industry ratios, trends, Industry ratio comparisons. Access to competitive benchmarking data.

Full Text

Reports in graph and text format; full reports on companies.

Database Access

Good to Know

Solvency Ratios - examine the financial soundness of a company and how well it can meet short and long-term obligations.

Efficiency Ratios - Check the quality of receivables and the efficiency of asset control; measure the effectiveness of payment to supplier; and evaluate over or under-trading on equity.

Profitability Ratios  - How profit is earned relative to sales, total assets, net worth.

Abilitiy to search data: SIC and NAIC code, line of business, asset range and year. Company Filtering and User Profiles.

Search Tips

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Click on sub-tab Company to view companies or enter information to view a comapany (Name,Line of business,  NAICS/SIC code if known, city/state/country).

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Joanne Evanoff
Hazy Library, Room 225