General Information
Checking out Passes
For the full listing of shows and to purchase tickets, visit:
Upcoming Spring Season for which Planetarium Passes will be available:
Whale Super Highway
Whale Super Highway follows humpback whales and blue pygmy whales on their 4,000-mile migration down the coast of Western Australia to the freezing waters of Antarctica and back again. It reveals fascinating information about whales -- while underscoring how much we still have to learn.
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Romance Among the Stars
The universe may be pretty cold and empty, but it is not without its spots of fire, fury and frenzy. Join us as we travel across the cosmos this February to visit some of the most romantic spots and situations in space.
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Rising Stars of Prescott
Interested in getting to know your night sky? This live planetarium program will show you what constellations, planets, meteor showers, and more will be coming to the Prescott skies for your viewing pleasure. The content for this program changes every month it is shown.
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Prescott Regional SciTech Fest
This free, fun-filled, educational event features interactive science, technology, engineering, art and math exhibits and demonstrations. No need to sign up-just show up to Embry Riddle's Prescott Campus during this year's SciTech Festival and enjoy the hands-on activities and demonstrations. Free tickets to planetarium shows occurring throughout the morning and afternoon will be provided on-site to festival guests. A planetarium show for young children and their families, Our Friends the Planets, will occur at 11 a.m., while a show for general audiences, Across the Visible Universe, will occur at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.
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2025 Total Lunar Eclipse
A total lunar eclipse will be visible from Prescott during the evening of March 13. Join us on Embry-Riddle's Prescott Campus for a momentous celebration of science and celestial wonder. There will be telescopes, hot chocolate, presentations by professional astronomers and more.
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Fronteras: Limites del Conocimiento
Note: This is a Spanish-language program without English subtitles.
Cuanto más descubrimos sobre el universo, más ampliamos los límites de nuestra comprensión. Únase a nosotros en un viaje a través del sistema solar hasta las estrellas y hasta el límite de nuestra comprensión. Los límites son más difusos de lo que podría esperar.
Translation: The more we discover about the universe, the farther we push out the boundaries of our understanding. Join us on a trip through the solar system out to the stars and to the edge of our understanding. The boundaries are more blurry than you might expect.
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