Acta Astronautica (1995 - present) - ScienceDirect
Advances in Space Research (1995 - present) - ScienceDirect
Aerospace America (1964 - present) - Nexis Uni
Aerospace Science and Technology (1997 - present) - ScienceDirect
Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy (1997 - 1 year ago) - Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (1965 - present) - IEEE Xplore
Journal of Aerospace Engineering (1988 - present) - ASCE Library
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (1979 - present) - Aerospace Research Central
Journal of Propulsion & Power (1985 - present) - Aerospace Research Central
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (1964 - present) - Aerospace Research Central