"Content that is 100% false, designed to deceive and do harm."
Wang, S. (2017, Feb. 7). Getting to the root of the "fake news" problem means fixing what's broken about journalism itself. NiemanLab. Retrieved from
"Sham sites that are designed to look like real news outlets. They may include misleading photographs and headlines that, at first read, sound like they could be real."
CNN. (2016, Nov 18). Here's how to outsmart fake news in your Facebook feed. Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/18/tech/how-to-spot-fake-misleading-news-trnd/
This guide is intended to help you recognize and identify fake news and give you the tools you need to verify your news sources.
On the Media. (2016, Nov. 16). Breaking news consumer's handbook: Fake news edition. Retrieved from https://www.wnyc.org/story/breaking-news-consumer-handbook-fake-news-edition/
These browser plug-ins will help alert you to fake news as you use the web.