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Fun Reading from YLN Libraries: Libby - Fun Ebooks

How to place holds to get books from within the Yavapai Library Network delivered here.

What is Libby?

The Libby app is the easiest way to get started with audio books, ebooks, and magazines from the public library!

Meet Libby: the new app from Overdrive that makes ebooks and audiobooks easy

How to Get Started

  1. Install the Libby app from the app store on your Android or iOS device.
  2. In Libby, follow the prompts to find your library (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) and sign in.
  3. Browse the collection or search to borrow a new title.
  4. Borrowed titles appear under Shelf > Loans and download to the app automatically when you're on Wi-Fi, so you can read them when you're offline.

Libby is discontinuing the Windows App:

  • It will be removed from the Windows App Store on December 7, 2020 to prevent any new users from downloading it.
  • The app is being replaced by browser use through

From your Loans, you can:

  • Tap Open Book, Open Audiobook, or Open Magazine to start reading or listening.
  • Tap the due date to see options like Renew and Return.

Happy Reading and Listening!

Search our Catalog - Remember to Limit to Audiobooks or Ebooks for Libby titles


Having a problem with Libby?  Check this troubleshooting guide.

Assoc. Dir. of Research and Instruction Services

Profile Photo
Laura Pope Robbins
Hazy Library, Room 240
(928) 777-6686