U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Reports, databases and demographics on topics from prevention to permanency, including child abuse and neglect, foster care, and adoption.
Annie E. Casey Foundation database including over 100 indicators of child well-being, including economic status, health, safety, and risk factors on the local community, city, state, and national level.
Compiled by HHS Office of Administration for Children and Families, find state and national data on the number of children in the child welfare system, trends in foster care caseloads, and well-being outcomes.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) site includes prioritized data, outcomes and quality and a national framework for quality improvement in behavioral health care.
The resource represents an extensive collection of National Institutes of Mental Health's (NIMH) best statistics on the prevalence, treatment, and costs of mental disorders.
HealthyPeople.gov provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. For 3 decades, Healthy People has established benchmarks and monitored progress over time in order to encourage collaborations across communities and sectors, empower individuals toward making informed health decisions, and measure the impact of prevention activities.
Over 1 million industry statistics covering 80,000 topics. Provides reports for political & society, country, digital & trends, consumer, industry, political & society, and brands & companies. In addition, provide industry and country outlooks, plus more.