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AS 408 Commercial Aviation Safety: APA Format

This capstone course is designed to assist the student in developing an attitude and philosophy for accident prevention and an awareness of major flight security issues.

What is APA Format?

APA Format is...

  • Style guide for formatting text, headings, title page, etc.
  • Published in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, with the 7th edition being the most recent
  • Preferred by ERAU College of Engineering
  • Updated online at

Citing in Presentations

In presentations, you cite your sources twice.

1. You use an in-text citation if you use a quote within the presentation.  Images also get cited when they are shown, but follow different rules, which will be shown below.

2. You have a final slide of references that lists everything cited in the presentation in proper APA format.


Within the presentation, the format is:

Title, author, date, site name (URL). License

Tamarin, Bradley Tinney, 2013, Flickr ( CC BY.


Within the references, the format is:

Author. (Year). Title. Site name. URL

Tinney, B. (2013). Tamarin. Flickr.

Online Resources

Sample Bibliographic Entries

Book by a single author

Spillers, C. (2016). Confessions of an undercover agent: Adventures, close calls, and the toll of a double life. University Press of Mississippi. 

Book by more than one author:

Wittman, R.K., & Kinney, D. (2016). The devil's diary: Alfred Rosenberg and the stolen secrets of the Third Reich. Harper. 

Magazine Article, No Author Named:

The eternal quest for youth; EU Referendum Campaign. (2016). The Economist

Article from Online Journal:

Comiskey, J. (2015). How do college homeland security curricula prepare students for the field? Journal of Homeland Security Education(4), 20-40.

Article from online Newspaper:

Bogdanich, W., Williams, J., & Mendez, A.G. Mendez. (2016, June 23). The new Panama Canal: A risky bet. New York Times.

In-text Citations

After a quotation or a paraphrase, include an in-text citation.  APA follows the Author-Date citation system.

Single Author

(Spillers, 2016)

Multiple Authors

(Wittman & Kinney, 2016)

Multiple Works

(Spillers, 2016; Wittman & Kinney, 2016)

No Author

(Title of book/article title, 2017)

Secondary Sources

If you want to cite a source that is cited in the source you are using, that's called a secondary source.  You cite the source you are using and getting your information from, but you acknowledge the original source.  So, the in-text citation would credit the original source as well as your source.  Your bibliography would include only your source.

Example of in-text citation:

According to a study by Smith (as cited in Hanrahan, et al., 2005)...

Example of Reference list citation:

Hanrahan, P., McCoy, M. L., Cloninger, L., Dincin, J., Zeitz, M. A., Simpatico, T. A., & Dincin, J. (2005). The Mothers’ Project for homeless mothers with mental illnesses and their children: A pilot study. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 28(3), 291-294.