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AS 408 Commercial Aviation Safety: RefWorks

This capstone course is designed to assist the student in developing an attitude and philosophy for accident prevention and an awareness of major flight security issues.

About RefWorks

Proquest ref works logo

RefWorks is a web-based, easy to use tool for keeping track of your sources and creating citations in a few clicks of a button! 

With RefWorks you can:

  • Create in-text citations with the click of a button
  • Automatically import your references into a formatted bibliography 
  • Export citations from library databases, the web, and other sources to organize your research
  • Save so much time! 

RefWorks Video Tutorials

Check out this video and the Learn to Use RefWorks in 20 minutes playlist on YouTube

Creating a RefWorks Account

1) Go to

2) Click on the Databases tab

3) Use the drop down arrow on the right hand side to choose RefWorks from the Select a Database list

4) Click the Go button to be directed to RefWorks

5) Below the email box, you'll find the Create account link, click this link

Ref works login screen to sign in or create account

6)  Enter your Embry-Riddle email address and click the check button 

7) You will then be prompted to enter a password, once you do, click Sign Up

You'll get an email fromRefWorks with instructions to activate your account, then you are ready to login and start using RefWorks to manage your research! 

RefWorks Access

RefWorks access is provided through your Embry-Riddle credentials, making your saved resources available until you graduate.  If you think you might want access to your resources after graduation, you may want to try Zotero, a freely accessed citation manager.  Click to check out the Zotero Guide for more info.