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Google Search and Other Google Tools: Home

Google is a powerful tool that gives Internet users access to information on a global scale. This guide provides recommendations for better and more accurate searchings.

About Google

Google products are ubiquitous in the world of information in the 21st century. They pervade our lives, and offer us access to more information/resources than at any time in history. BEWARE! The quality of the information varies from website to website, from resource to resource. Critical thinking is a must!

This research guide emphasizes three major tools - Google Search, Google Advanced Search, and Google Scholar- as well as some other tools for which Google is known (e.g.,Google Maps). It also offers some guidance on how to use these resources. The best course of action will be to learn a bit about the tools, use them, and repeat the process as an ongoing cycle of becoming better and better with your knowledge-seeking skills.

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