Many are fee-based; the library pays to license them.
Are available to registered members of the library.
Focus on a specific body of information (i.e. Aeronautics, Engineering)
May contain articles, books, gov documents, maps, technical reports.
Contain information written by professional writers and subject experts.
Are searched with search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or
Are generally freely accessible.
Are available to anyone with an internet access.
May NOT be current, updated, or show no date at all.
Can cover any topic at all.
Contain information written by anyone (convicts, teachers, children, students, or psychopaths).
REMEMBER: Most instructors want information from databases first. If needed, use the Web to supplement your research (after making sure the Web sources are good).
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Jane's provides complete (full-text) access to technical details (performance and specifications) for civil and military aircraft currently produced or under development. Available modules are listed under the Jane's Products Menu (on right) under "View All."
See "more" below for a complete list of Jane's modules.
Available Modules:
Air and Space Defence Module
Airport Review
All the World's Aircraft: Development & Production
All the World's Aircraft: In Service
All the World's Aircraft: Unmanned
C4ISR & Mission Systems: Air
C4ISR & Mission Systems: Joint & Common Equipment
Country Risk Daily Report
Defence Industry
Defence Weekly
Flight Avionics
Intelligence Review
Intelligence Weekly
International Defence Review
Islamic Affairs Analyst
Militant Propaganda Analysis
Missiles and Rockets
Navy International
News Module
Simulation & Training Systems
Space Systems & Industry
Terrorism & Security Monitor
Terrorism Watch Report
Weapons: Air-Launched
Weapons: Naval
Weapons: Strategic
World Defence Industry
Provides complete (full text) access to the full compilation of papers published in the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR Journal). TRB's journal contains technical papers peer-reviewed by TRB committee members. Included are selected papers from the TRB Annual Meetings, along with some papers from other sources and conferences.
Designed to help researchers gather, manage, and store research information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies.
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