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AS 311 Aircraft Engines - Turbines: Other Formats

Aircraft Engines - Turbines / Powerplant

Citation Help for Other Formats

These sites cover the "major" citation styles.

  • Research and Citation Resources (Purdue OWL)
    Helpful overview of the processes of Conducting Research, and Using Research in writing your paper. Also provides links to guides describing how to use APA, MLA, and Chicago/Turabian styles. From the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).
  • Citing Sources
    Covers APA, MLA, Chicago, and Turabian styles. Provides explanations on in-text citations and assembling your bibliography. From Duke University libraries.
  • Citation and Style Guides  
    This is a helpful collection of links describing how to cite print and electronic sources using APA, MLA, Turabian, Chicago, and other styles. From Concordia University in Montreal.
  • Guide to Citing Government Publications
    Demonstrates the most common examples of citing government documents, based on the Chicago/Turabian bibliographic style. If you are using the APA or MLA style, you will need to modify the citation example accordingly.
